Extract metadata

Retrieve the Sketch document metadata with sketchtool. This includes information about the Sketch version used to save to save the file, document format version as well as the pages and artboards of the Sketch document.

sketchtool metadata /path/to/document.sketch


The JSON data output is identical to the raw metadata of the file bundle.

  "commit": "399b83655ed261b257875cf8e762efa1a649509e",
  "pagesAndArtboards": {
    "9C1FA15B-CBEB-4448-ABFF-628D7FE1A537": {
      "name": "Page 1",
      "artboards": {}
  "version": 118,
  "fonts": [],
  "compatibilityVersion": 99,
  "app": "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3",
  "autosaved": 0,
  "variant": "NONAPPSTORE",
  "created": {
    "commit": "399b83655ed261b257875cf8e762efa1a649509e",
    "appVersion": "54.1",
    "build": 76490,
    "app": "com.bohemiancoding.sketch3",
    "compatibilityVersion": 99,
    "version": 118,
    "variant": "NONAPPSTORE"
  "saveHistory": ["NONAPPSTORE.76490"],
  "appVersion": "54.1",
  "build": 76490