New in Sketch 53

Released 05 February, 2019 – read release notes


The document from a library will now have a proper path (either local path or the appcast URL)

GitHub pull request

Previously when you used library.getDocument() the path of the Document would be undefined. It’s now set correctly.

Added exportFormats property on Layer

GitHub pull request

You can specify size, suffix, prefix, and fileFormat, valid file formats are:

  • jpg
  • png
  • tiff
  • eps
  • pdf
  • webp
  • svg


var sketch = require('sketch')
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var layer = document.selectedLayers.layers[0]

layer.exportFormats = [
    size: '2x',
    suffix: '@2x',
    size: '1x',
    suffix: '@1x',

// You will need to reload the inspector to see the changes appear there

/* Which logs:
[ { type: 'ExportFormat',
    fileFormat: 'png',
    prefix: undefined,
    suffix: '@2x',
    size: '2x' },
  { type: 'ExportFormat',
    fileFormat: 'png',
    prefix: undefined,
    suffix: '@1x',
    size: '1x' } ]

Added method to get the theme of Sketch

GitHub pull request

Sketch has 2 themes: light and dark. If your plugin has some custom UI, it should support both as well.


var theme = UI.getTheme()

if (theme === 'dark') {
  // show UI in dark theme
} else {
  // show UI in light theme

Specify object types less often

Pretty much every object from the JS API is a wrapper around a native object (like ExportFormats is a wrapper around MSExportFormat). The way the API works when creating a new wrapper is that it looks at the type field to create the underlying native object. But in some cases, there are no choices: the objects inside exportFormats will always be MSExportFormat.


Instead of:

layer.exportFormats = [{type: 'ExportFormat, size: '2x'}]

you can just write:

layer.exportFormats = [{ size: '2x' }]

Add UI.getInputFromUser method and deprecate the other input methods

GitHub pull request

The same UI inputs are there (String and Select) but its moved over to the method UI.getInputFromUser


  • UI.getStringFromUser(message, initialValue)
  • UI.getSelectionFromUser(message, items, selectedItemIndex)


Slider, Number, Color, and Path inputs are coming soon


// Default type .string
  "What's your name?",
    initialValue: 'Appleseed',
  (err, value) => {
    if (err) {
      // most likely the user canceled the input

// Type .selection
  "What's your favorite design tool?",
    type: UI.INPUT_TYPE.selection,
    possibleValues: ['Sketch'],
  (err, value) => {
    if (err) {
      // most likely the user canceled the input

Added some getParent* methods on Layer

GitHub pull request

You can use getParentPage(), getParentArtboard(), getParentSymbolMaster(), and getParentShape() to quickly access higher level components.

Note that you can also use the parent property on Layer to go up the layer structure.


var sketch = require('sketch')
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var layer = document.selectedLayers.layers[0]

layer.getParentPage() // gets the page
layer.getParentArtboard() // gets the containing artboard
layer.getParentSymbolMaster() // you get the idea now...

layer.parent // goes up one level
layer.parent.parent // you can continue to chain all the way up
document.parent // will be undefined

Added support for text styles

GitHub pull request

LOTS of added functionality here.


  • Text.systemFontSize
  • Text.alignment (its moved to

Added properties to

  • alignment
    • left, center, right, justified
  • verticalAlignment
    • top, center, bottom
  • kerning
    • default to null if there is none set
    • (there was an a floating point issue with the returned values but its been fixed here GitHub PR)
  • lineHeight
    • defaults to null if nothing is set
    • You can get the default line height from the method getDefaultLineHeight() (GitHub PR)
  • textColor
    • note that it can set in various formats #000, #000000, and the opacity variant #000000FF
  • fontSize
  • textTransform
    • uppercase, lowercase, and none
  • fontFamily
  • fontWeight
    • Default is 5
    • If you attempt to set the weight to something that the font doesn’t support Sketch will attempt to pick the closest one.
  • fontStyle
    • italic , normal
    • default to undefined
    • setting this property to normal will return undefined if you later read it
  • fontStretch
    • condensed, normal
    • default to undefined
    • setting this property to normal will return undefined if you later read it
  • textUnderline
    • single, none, double dot, dot double, thick dash-dot
    • default to undefined
    • setting this property to double dot or dot double will both return double dot if you later read it
    • setting this property to none will return undefined if you later read it
  • textStrikethrough
    • single, none, double dot, dot double, thick dash-dot
    • default to undefined
    • setting this property to double dot or dot double will both return double dot if you later read it
    • setting this property to none will return undefined if you later read it


var sketch = require('sketch')
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var Text = require('sketch/dom').Text
var Rectangle = require('sketch/dom').Rectangle

const text = new Text({
  text: 'blah',
  frame: new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100),
  parent: document.pages[0].layers[0], //If you want to bind it to an artboard

// Below are the default props with on the new Text object
// { type: 'Style',
// ...
// alignment: 'left'
// verticalAlignment: 'top'
// kerning: null
// lineHeight: null
// textColor: '#000000ff'
// fontSize: 12
// textTransform: 'none'
// fontFamily: 'Helvetica'
// fontWeight: 5
// fontStyle: undefined
// fontStretch: undefined
// textUnderline: undefined
// textStrikethrough: undefined
// }

Added some methods to store a session variable

GitHub pull request

Session variables let you store a value which is persisted when the plugin finishes to run but is not persisted when Sketch closes. It is useful when you want to keep a value between plugin’s runs.

Note that you still have setSettingForKey which will let you store things after closing Sketch.


var Settings = require('sketch/settings')

// undefined

Settings.setSessionVariable('myVar', 0.1)
// 0.1

Allow using setting methods even from the Run Script panel

GitHub pull request

Previously you couldn’t test anything from 'sketch/settings' in the script panel and now you can!

Ability to make Slices

GitHub pull request

You can make one by:

const slice = new Slice({ name: 'Test' })

You can also pass in exportFormats and a parent to tie it to a layer or object.


const artboard = new Slice({
  parent: sketch.getSelectedDocument().selectedPage,
  exportFormats: [
      size: '2x',
      suffix: '@2x',

setTimeout and all the other timeout, interval, immediate methods are now available directly, no need to polyfill them

GitHub pull request (This is the probably the PR however the diff seems to be about fixing an issue with fragments 🤔)

A useful new method on the path module to get resources in the plugin bundle

GitHub pull request

require('path').resourcePath(string) returns the path to a resource in the plugin bundle or undefined if it doesn’t exist.

A new action was added called LayersResized

GitHub pull request

The action context for this action contains two keys:

  • document: The document where the action was triggered
  • layers: An array of the layers being resized


// In your manifest.json you will need to add / modify the commands object
"commands": [
    "name": "layerResized",
    "identifier": "myLayerResized",
    "script": "./my-command.js",
    "handlers": {
      "actions": {
        "LayerResized.begin" : "layerResizedMethod"

// And then in your my-command.js you can add this function
export function layerResizedMethod(context) {
  // Do some fancy stuff here with context.document or context.layers

// Remember, some actions have a begin and finish phase so if you
// want the action to trigger once, you should modify the handler
// to be YourAction.begin or YourAction.finish. If you don't add
// anything, the action will be triggered twice.
// See for more info

You can now control whether or not a property is editable for a Symbol Source override. Symbol instance overrides also have a property called editabled

GitHub pull request


var sketch = require('sketch')
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var Artboard = require('sketch/dom').Artboard
var Text = require('sketch/dom').Text
var SymbolMaster = require('sketch/dom').SymbolMaster

const artboard = new Artboard({
  name: 'test',
  parent: document.selectedPage,

const text = new Text({
  text: 'test text value',
  parent: artboard,

const symbol = SymbolMaster.fromArtboard(artboard)
symbol.overrides[0].editable = false
const instance = symbol.createNewInstance()
instance.parent = document.selectedPage
// false

Obj-C exceptions will be thrown as JS Errors which will reference the exception in their nativeException property

GitHub pull request

You can now detach symbol instances recursively so that nested symbols also detach

GitHub pull request

  • instance.detach() will just detach the outer symbol
  • instance.detach({recursively:true}) will detach nested symbols as well

You can now rotate layers. In addition, you can flip them vertically or horizontally

GitHub pull request

These can be found under the transform property, you can set and get them as you would expect.


var layer = document.selectedLayers.layers[0]
// { type: 'Text',
// ...
// transform:
//    { rotation: 0,
//      flippedHorizontally: false,
//      flippedVertically: false },
// ...

layer.transform.rotation = 10
// be sure to reload the inspector to see your changes

// 10

You can now get access to an Artboard’s background properties

GitHub pull request

  • background.enabled: boolean, if the background is shown or not
  • background.includedInExport: boolean, if the background should be exported or if it should be transparent during the export
  • background.color: string, the rgba representation of the background color


var Artboard = require('sketch/dom').Artboard
const artboard = new Artboard({ name: 'Test' })

// { type: 'Artboard',
// ...
// background: { enabled: false, includedInExport: true, color: '#ffffffff' } }

export can now export to JSON

GitHub pull request


var sketch = require('sketch')
var Shape = require('sketch/dom').Shape
const object = new Shape()
const options = { formats: 'json', output: false }
const sketchJSON = sketch.export(object, options)
// big JSON file