New in Sketch 54

Released 09 April, 2019 – read release notes


colors and gradients properties have been added on Document and globalAssets

GitHub pull request #345 and #398

  • sketch.globalAssets property was added
  • Two new asset types were added
    • ColorAsset
      • name, type: String (can be null)
      • color, type: String
    • GradientAsset
      • name, type: String (can be null)
      • gradient, type: Gradient


var sketch = require('sketch')
var colors = sketch.globalAssets.colors
// [ { type: 'ColorAsset', name: null, color: "#febe10ff", ... }]

Setting Global Colors (Be sure to save a copy of your global assets before playing with this!)

var globalAssets = sketch.globalAssets
globalAssets.colors = ['#FFFFFF']

// You can set a global color with a variety of objects
// - A native MSColorAsset
// - An MSColor
// - An MSImmutableColor
// - An NSColor
// - A hex color string

// To include a name with one of the color objects use a dictionary with `color` and `name`.
globalAssets.colors = [{ name: 'white', color: '#FFFFFF' }]

Note that this doesn’t work

var globalColors = sketch.globalAssets.colors
globalColors = ['#FFFFFF']

// when you reassign globalColors, it doesn't reference the global colors anymore
// But you can do globalColors.push(...) which mutates the array.
Other useful actions
// Appending/Pushing a Global Color
gloablAssets.colors = []

// globalAssets.colors returns
// [ { type: 'ColorAsset', name: null, color: '#000000ff' } ]

// Removing a Color
globalAssets.colors = [{ name: 'white', color: '#FFFFFF' }, '#000000']
globalAssets.colors.splice(1, 1)

// globalAssets.colors returns
// [ { type: 'ColorAsset', name: 'white', color: '#ffffffff' } ]
Similarily for Gradients
var sketch = require('sketch')
var globalGradients = sketch.globalAssets.gradients

// [ { type: 'GradientAsset',
//  name: null,
//  gradient:
//   { gradientType: 'Linear',
//     from: [Object],
//     to: [Object],
//     aspectRatio: 1,
//     stops: [Array] } },
// ...
// ]
Setting Global Gradients
var sketch = require('sketch')
var Style = require('sketch/dom').Style
var globalAssets = sketch.globalAssets

const myGradient = {
  gradientType: Style.GradientType.Linear,
  from: { x: 0.5, y: 0 },
  to: { x: 0.5, y: 1 },
  stops: [
    { position: 0, color: '#c0ffee' },
    { position: 0.5, color: '#0ff1ce' },
    { position: 1, color: '#bada55' },

globalAssets.gradients = [
    name: 'My Gradient',
    gradient: myGradient,

// You can set a global gradient with a variety of objects
// - A native MSGradientAsset
// - An MSGradient
// - An dictionary of Gradient properties.

Similarly, document colors and document gradients can all be found on Document

var sketch = require('sketch')
var selectedDocument = sketch.getSelectedDocument()

let documentColors = selectedDocument.colors
let documentGradients = selectedDocument.gradients

Shared styles are now document properties and can be mutated

GitHub pull request

Two new properties on document (try not to get them mixed up as the styles are subtly different!)

  • sharedLayerStyles
  • sharedTextStyles


var sketch = require('sketch')
var selectedDocument = sketch.getSelectedDocument()

// [ { type: 'SharedStyle',
//  id: '9CA2825D-DFE9-4A49-A3AB-1EBCA431DED9',
//  styleType: 'Style',
//  name: 'layer style example',
//  style:
//   { type: 'Style',
//     id: 'EE3D0AA4-83C4-4049-BF91-43392DD4D4C9',
//     opacity: 1,
//  ...

// [ { type: 'SharedStyle',
//  id: 'C6F284FF-8D18-4B4B-AF08-1A9055C03B1E',
//  styleType: 'Style',
//  name: 'text style example',
//  style:
//   { type: 'Style',
//     id: '25A3B94C-9872-4057-8F2B-97BAE4AA0E63',
//     opacity: 1,
//  ...
Setting a Shared Style
var sketch = require('sketch')
var selectedDocument = sketch.getSelectedDocument()

// Setting a shared layer style
selectedDocument.sharedLayerStyles = [] // remove all layer styles

  name: 'Layer Style 1',
  style: { fills: ['#000'] },

// Setting a shared text style
var Text = require('sketch/dom').Text

var text = new Text({
  text: 'my text',
  style: { alignment: },

selectedDocument.sharedTextStyles = [] // remove all text styles

  name: 'Style 1',

layer.index can now be set

GitHub pull request

You can set the index of the layer to move it in the hierarchy. Note that you also have layer.moveToFront(), layer.moveForward(), layer.moveToBack(), and layer.moveBackward()


var sketch = require('sketch')
var Group = sketch.Group
var page = sketch.getSelectedDocument().selectedPage

const group1 = new Group({
  parent: page,
const group2 = new Group({
  parent: page,
const group3 = new Group({
  parent: page,

console.log(group1.index, group2.index, group3.index)
// 0 1 2

group1.index = 2
console.log(group1.index, group2.index, group3.index)
// 2 0 1

aspectRatio property has been added to Gradient

GitHub pull request

When the gradient is Radial, the from and to points makes one axis of the ellipse of the gradient while the aspect ratio determines the length of the orthogonal axis (aspectRatio === 1 means that it’s a circle).


var sketch = require('sketch')
var ShapePath = sketch.ShapePath
var Rectangle = sketch.Rectangle
var Style = sketch.Style
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage

page.layers = []

const myGradient = {
  gradientType: Style.GradientType.Radial,
  from: { x: 0.5, y: 0 },
  to: { x: 0.5, y: 1 },
  aspectRatio: 0.2,
  stops: [
    { position: 0, color: '#c0ffee' },
    { position: 0.5, color: '#0ff1ce' },
    { position: 1, color: '#bada55' },

let myShape = new ShapePath({
  name: 'my shape',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
  parent: page,
  style: {
    fills: [
        fill: Style.FillType.Gradient,
        gradient: myGradient,

selected property and getFrame method have been added on an Symbol override

GitHub pull request

The frame of an override can be different than the frame of its affected Layer in case where the Symbol Instance has been scaled or, in the case of the example below, the text value is changed for the Symbol instance resulting in a shorter frame.


var sketch = require('sketch')
var ShapePath = sketch.ShapePath
var Rectangle = sketch.Rectangle
var Style = sketch.Style
var Text = sketch.Text
var SymbolMaster = sketch.SymbolMaster
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage

page.layers = []

let rectangle = new ShapePath({
  name: 'my shape',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
  style: {
    fills: [
        fill: Style.FillType.Color,
        color: '#000',

let text = new Text({
  text: 'my text',
  style: {
    textColor: '#FFFFFF',
    alignment: 'left',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0),


var symbol = new SymbolMaster({
  name: 'my symbol',
  layers: [rectangle, text],
  parent: page,

let symbolInstance = symbol.createNewInstance()
symbolInstance.parent = page
symbolInstance.frame.offset(110, 0)
symbolInstance.overrides[0].value = 'hi'

symbolInstance.overrides[0].selected = true

layer.duplicate now works on a layer with no parent

GitHub pull request

Previously you needed to have a parent in order to duplicate the layer. Now you are free to do so without working around this.


var sketch = require('sketch')
var ShapePath = sketch.ShapePath
var Rectangle = sketch.Rectangle
var Style = sketch.Style
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage

page.layers = []

let rectangle = new ShapePath({
  name: 'my shape',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
  style: {
    fills: [
        fill: Style.FillType.Color,
        color: '#000',

let rectangle2 = rectangle.duplicate()
rectangle2.frame.offset(110, 0)

rectangle.parent = page
rectangle2.parent = page

symbolInstance.master now works on an immutable instance

GitHub pull request

If you ever got an MSImmutableSymbolInstance object and attempted to wrap the native sketch object then you would have previously gotten an error. It has now been fixed.

You can now remove flow targets with setting flow as undefined on a Layer

GitHub pull request

Previously you couldn’t remove a flow target. Now you can!


var sketch = require('sketch')
var Artboard = require('sketch').Artboard
var Group = require('sketch').Group
var Rectangle = require('sketch').Rectangle
var selectedDocument = sketch.getSelectedDocument()

const artboard = new Artboard({
  name: 'Test1',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
  parent: selectedDocument.selectedPage,
const artboard2 = new Artboard({
  name: 'Test2',
  frame: new Rectangle(200, 0, 100, 100),
  parent: selectedDocument.selectedPage,

const rect = new Group({
  parent: artboard,
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50),
  flow: {

rect.flow = undefined

pattern properties have been added to Fill

GitHub pull request

Previously this also applied to the noise property as well but Sketch has depreciated the noise fill option in favor of having the noise patterns be image fills.


var sketch = require('sketch')
var Style = sketch.Style
var ShapePath = sketch.ShapePath
var Rectangle = sketch.Rectangle
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage

page.layers = []

const base64Image = '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'

let rectangle = new ShapePath({
  name: "my shape",
  frame: new Rectangle(0,0,100,100),
  style: {
    fills: [{
      fill: 'Pattern',
      pattern: {
        patternType: Style.PatternFillType.Tile,
        image: {
          base64: base64Image
        tileScale: 1.2
  parent: page

// Image can also be of the form
{ type: 'ImageData', nsimage: NSImage, nsdata: NSImageData }

An image buffer can now be used with ImageData

GitHub pull request

This change helps with the next one (Export now returns a buffer if output is false)

export now returns a Buffer if options.output is false and options.formats is an image format

GitHub pull request

If you ever wanted to get at the thumbnail preview image data when something is marked for export you can do so with this new API functionality.

Sketch's image export thumbnail highlighted

See this issue for more info why this was added.

Quick Summary of Sketch’s export options

The method returns

  • undefined if options.output is undefined or a string
  • an array of Buffer if objectToExport is an array and options.formats is an image format
  • an array of Object if objectToExport is an array and options.formats is json
  • a Buffer if objectToExport is a single item and options.formats is an image format
  • an Object if objectToExport is a single item and options.formats is json


var sketch = require('sketch')
var ShapePath = sketch.ShapePath
var Rectangle = sketch.Rectangle
var Style = sketch.Style
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage

page.layers = []

let rectangle = new ShapePath({
  name: 'my shape',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
  style: {
    fills: [
        fill: Style.FillType.Color,
        color: '#000',
  parent: page,

const options = { formats: 'png', output: false }
const buffer = sketch.export(rectangle, options)

getSelectedDocument will try harder to find your document

GitHub pull request

If you are using SKPM, SKPM defines context as a global so it will prefer to use that first. If there is no current document (via NSDocumentController.sharedDocumentController().currentDocument() then Sketch will attempt to use NSApplication.sharedApplication().orderedDocuments(). Ultimately, you don’t really need to know too much about these underlying changes but it is useful to know that .getSelectedDocument() should work reliabily. If its not, be sure to file an issue.

console.clear will now clear the DevTools console

Use console.clear() to clean up your console.

selectedPage and selectedLayers can now be set on the Document

GitHub pull request

Previously these were read-only properties. However, now you can pass in a layer or a page to these objects to set them.


var sketch = require('sketch')
var ShapePath = sketch.ShapePath
var Rectangle = sketch.Rectangle
var Style = sketch.Style
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()
var page = document.selectedPage

// Setting selectedLayers
let rectangle = new ShapePath({
  name: 'my shape',
  frame: new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
  style: {
    fills: [
        fill: Style.FillType.Color,
        color: '#000',
  parent: page,

let rectangle2 = rectangle.duplicate()
rectangle2.frame.offset(110, 0)

document.selectedLayers.layers = [rectangle]
// Note: you can also do
// rectangle.selected = true
// however it will just add the rectangle to the selection rather than replacing it

// Setting selectedPage
let newPage = new Page({
  name: 'Second Page',
  parent: document,

document.selectedPage = newPage
// Note: selectedPage isn't an array like selectedLayers
// Note2: You can also do newPage.selected = true

Add some methods to deal with the Symbols Page

GitHub pull request

The “Symbols” page is similar to other pages. The only way it is specific is when creating a Symbol, Sketch will ask the user if they want to move it to that page. You can put Symbols in any page but if you want to respect the convention Sketch put in place, here are a few methods to help you do so.

Adds a few methods on Page

  • getSymbolsPage(document)
    • Returns a Page or undefined if there is no Symbols page yet
  • createSymbolsPage()
  • isSymbolsPage()
    • Returns a boolean


var sketch = require('sketch')
var Page = sketch.Page
var document = sketch.getSelectedDocument()

var symbolsPage = Page.getSymbolsPage(document)
// undefined

var symbolsPage = Page.createSymbolsPage()
symbolsPage.parent = document
symbolsPage.selected = true

var isSymbolsPage = selectedPage.isSymbolsPage()
// true

Note that .createSymbolsPage() won’t prevent you from creating multiple pages that are titled “Symbols”.

If you have multiple pages with “Symbols” I believe that .isSymbolsPage() will only be true for the earliest created page with the title “Symbols”. Under the hood the API is using:

page.sketchObject.documentData().symbolsPage() == page.sketchObject